it's so bittersweet when you have these little epiphanies of your children learning new things, even the little things like learning how to color better. my q came to work with me the other day after school & let me tell you she was on her best behavior! i couldn't believe how well behaved she was
(i really think she was tired). i brought some colors & stuff for her to stay occupied. usually she cuts up with the sales reps & gets a little loud & rambunctious & i have to keep telling her to quiet down. :o) but not this time, she was quiet & everyone asking if she was always that good. for the most part she is such a good girl and listens but most of you know how 5yr olds are.
such a big girl! |
now, this may not look very "pretty" but its such an improvement from before she started pre-k! SHE STAYED IN THE LINES! this is such a hard thing for little kids to learn, hell i even get out of the lines on occasion. :)
so we have a little back story on my little pony... q used to call them "high" little pony all the time. i loved it! then she said the funniest thing about them & well... you know how my mind works i made a big joke about it but of course she didn't get it, so i thought i would tell you our little convo about "high" little ponies.
q: mommy, i love "high" little ponies
me: me too, they are so cute!
q: did you know that "high" little ponies eat grass
me: yes i did, that's why they are "high" little ponies
hahaha, still cracks me up! we joke about this at home on occasions, the daddy & i. sadly, "high" little pony doesn't exist anymore. we just have the plain ol' my little ponies now. :( oh well, no telling what hopp will come up with.