first of all, today is my 10th anniversary of dating or shall i say the start of 'shacking up' with my lovely husband. :) we had met sometime in february of 2001 & as our meetings at the club were more & more, we began to start really liking each other & it all started with me seeing him in the same apt complex that i lived in. we were only 2-3 bldgs away from each other. :) so we started dating on 6/14/2001, um also as you can see we started shacking up the very next day so it was a whirl-wind love affair. he is my rock, i have lots of friends i can count on for support but he has been there long before most of the ones i count on the most. i can trust he will tell me the truth, in a loving way, if i'm wearing something crazy. :) if i need that super honest opinion of choices only i can make, he has always guided me in the way i've needed to go. he is my soul mate & one true love. mtl you baby, you make me so happy! ok, on to not so sappy items, i thought i would share an engagement pic with you.
aren't we just adorable? look at that shiny head! i miss the earring. :) |
about a week ago, i bleached my hair. i didn't leave it on long enough & it made my hair orangey-yellow! ewww, talk about cheap hooker! i hated it! it really all started with my pedi, the guy didn't want to work that day so he hurriedly did my pedi. i was looking at my big toe on the right foot & one side is higher than the other!!! he didn't ask if i wanted a design or anything, i will never have him do my toes again! i love the talkative little girl in there. i will definitely ask for her next time before i go in again. i do love the polish color though. :) after that, & it should have been my sign not to do anything else, i went to get my hair cut. i went to the little salon in walmart, never had an issue with them, they do a decent job so i go in & have this really nice older lady cut my hair. she was not the right person for me even though she was super sweet & we talked alot. i had a pic of what i wanted, she was distracted by the eye art on the models face! oh geez, the second sign to walk out. i like the hair cut don't get me wrong but it's nothing like the pic i brought along & i don't really care for my bangs to be so short. so next time i will get it done at ulta or something with a girl fresh out of school that knows how to do the newer styles. as i'm actually doing my hair these days instead of hastily putting it in a ponytail, i noticed my hair, other than the bangs, is just like the style in my engagement pics. :) it's a little longer which is what i wanted but she got snip happy, i keep telling myself it's only hair, it will grow. so after i did all that, i bleached it! so the whole day was a, 'stop-don't-do-it-but-i-can't-help-myself, i'm-going-to-do-it-anyway' kind of day.
well i toned it last night & i soooo love my hair!!! so here is my new color. i think i want it a little lighter but right now i'm really satisfied, finally. i went to sally's & the girl picked it out for me when i told her what i wanted. i had the girls with me that time & they were in their princess dresses for the morning
(see last pic) & my color just so happened to be...
princess blonde! how funny is that?
what girl doesn't want to be a princess, does this make me an official princess now? |
so here it is in all it's glory, my new hair color |
to many of you the blonde is new, well for most of my life i have been a blonde. i missed it. i like the reds & the dark browns/blacks but blonde is more my thing. :) after we got married
(you can see in the engagement pic that i'm blonde & have the highlights) in september of '01 i started going darker & liked it so i didn't think i would go back to blonde but i really like the blonde so i'm going to keep it this princess blonde or lighter till i miss the darker side. :)
princess hopp & princess q during errands on saturday morning :o) |
oh & yes, i let them dress like princesses & go out in public. i never had the dresses as a kid & i use to see little girls out with them on occasion & have always thought when they get old enough i would let them do the same. i just draw the line on the little plastic heels, oh that sound is annoying! ;P so q put on her sparkly converse knock offs & hopp put on her cute sandals & away we went in the pimpmobile aka royal carriage. we went to the auto inspection place, the owner asked if we had a show. we went to walmart & got all kinds of comments about them being cute & let me tell you, if you don't want attention don't let them dress up & go out in public. :) we then ventured to sallys for hair supplies. then it was off to the house for lunch & a nap.
You're a goofball! Happy "shacking up" anniversary! :)
Hair--go with what makes you happy.
I like your engagement pics... I like the bald iJ better. (Hmm, did that come out right?)
Wonder if I could even find my engagement shots to post?!
so um... are you saying you don't like my new color?
my nana said that he looked like a convict with it bald! omg, old people & that no-filter thing. :) i like it too but i really, really, really loved the cornrows! so sexy!!!
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