finally got a moment to get my pics off my old phone. here we go...
day 159: sun 6/10
got my first manicure in for-ever!!! i usually have a pedi about 3-4x per year but never a mani. it was nice & much needed for my cuticles. i love my mani/pedi girl waited forever on her & it was totally worth it, look at my cute nail art she put on my ring finger. both of my ring fingers had the same thing. the pink polish is from color club called all that razz but i was told that we are suppose to call it porno pink! love it!!! |
oh texas how hot must you really have to be??? i think my car was super hot because it actually only hit 107 but who cares after it hits the 100 mark, it's all hell hot after that. :) |
day 160: mon 6/11 no pic...
day 161: tues 6/12
a better representation of the yarn i'm working with, it's yarn bee's baby bee pomp in softly. :o) |
day 162: wed 6/13
pic of my two blankets i'm working on, the blue one is not that dark but you know how camera on your phone are... |
q came home from summer rec with a busted ring finger... she put her hand on the pool table & a ball smashed it. luckily it was just badly bruised & nothing was broken. as you can see on the left side of the pic it was swollen from the top side & on the right side is a pic of it from the under side. that thing was black, blue & purple. i've never seen anything like it! |
day 163: thurs 6/14
we were suppose to go to the dr suess festivities all weekend but i got really sick with allergies gone bad. this was what your lanyard could have looked like, minus some of the pins, each time you went to a dramatic reading you got a pin from the book that was read. how cute is that? |
day 164: fri 6/15 no pics was a sick girl!
day 165: sat 6/16
went to a different sonic than our usual one & it was horrible it was like beach sand! that crap was everywhere! they enjoyed time on the playground, hopp about to get on the stairs to go down one of the slides. :o) |
my sister was down this weekend & we took cousin p with us to play. they had a great time! |
hopp & i took a nap while q went with my sister & her family to my brother in laws family in town & went swimming. after nap hopp & i went to the mall to do a little retail therapy & she was an angel! so she got to ride bob the builder's tractor. |
at dinner time we went to taco bueno & had dinner with everyone. my mom came with us too. had a great weekend & it went by way too fast! i wish my sister & i lived closer than 5hrs away from each other! |
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