sorry for the long delay, it's been crazy busy the last month or so. it's going to be a fast update so here we go...
day 250: 9/9 sun no photo...
day 251: 9/10 mon
flower i made with a clear glitter button |
day 252: 9/11 tues
my sweet pea made the cutest flag ever in remembrance of 9/11. i'm going to frame it & put it up! NEVER FORGET!!!! |
day 253: 9/12 wed
it's been awhile since i've done a hair post. i did their hair the same way. look how cute they are!!! |
day 254: 9/13 thurs
a finished scarf for ms maria, jess's friend. it was just a simple dc scarf but in extra long. |
day 255: 9/14 fri
this is maria in the matching hat with that white flower/glitter button from earlier. :o) |
birthday shout out!!! this was jess's 18th bday!!! yep, that's right my baby girl is of legal age, i can't believe it, where have all the years gone??? made this bow from a secret deodorant ad, got the tutorial from bffmrt, a great way to recycle & it's super easy to do. on that note, a secret deodorant ad has never looked so good! ;) |
day 256: 9/15 sat
look at this precious baby!!! his name is baylor & isn't he gorgeous?!? his mommy is a previous co-worker friend from back in the phone book days. that hat he is wearing was one of my fo's. i can't get over how gorgeous he is, tawners makes some beautiful babies. :o) |
it rained & this was on my sidewalk. i thought it was so pretty! just a plain old leaf that fell off a tree, what a nice little piece of art. :) |
well that's all for week 37, a couple more weeks to catch up on. i hope all of you have been doing well, i've missed you all, i haven't even caught up on my fave blogs either. it's been so hectic!