i have been thinking about this winter & i hear rumors that it's going to be unusually warm, makes sense, it's been so hella hot! so i was thinking jackets & stuff & i thought about making hopp a poncho. omg, she is going to be so cute in a little poncho & should be pretty easy with buckling up in the car so this is one of my 2011 resolutions, to make a poncho! i can't wait to start on it. i found one i like, on ravelry of course. i can't wait to get started on it. also, i found inner hooker (through the dainty daisy) & i'm going to do a crochet-along for a sunburst granny blanket!!! so excited!!! if you want to participate go to her
facebook page.
here is the
pattern for the poncho i'm going to be working on...
hopp is gonna rock this poncho!!! :) |
most people have a year of projects but i call it my 2011 resolutions. i don't feel so obligated to do a list of projects as i do resolutions because i post them as i find them. i think next year i will make a yop, i don't know though, i'm a spur-of-moment type girl. :)
The poncho is a super cute idea. And ponchos are supposed to be "in" this year, too. :)
as long as it turns out good, i will probably make the q one too. :) just need to go get me some bulky yarn. i only have worsted at home.
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