Day 8: Sunday 1/8/12
here's a picture q made at school. this made us laugh because flowers is the most country-phonetically spelled word! how did she get television but not flowers. i love art work like this and of course it's her watering the "flars" because she has curly hair. :o) |
Day 9: Monday 1/9/12
Q's birthday cupcakes for school. the kids didn't know why they had Qs on them. :) i didn't know if i had enough icing for all the cupcakes so i had a genius moment & just put letter Qs on each one. chocolate was gf & the vanilla were regular. |
here she is holding one that was leftover. |
Day 10: Tuesday 1/10/12
she was being so good at the dr office that morning. they have a small section for kids, we were at the gastro for a follow-up for her tummy issues. all has been going great since we cut out wheat. :) |
Day 11: Wednesday 1/11/12
at nana's & diddy's for our wednesday night dinners at their house. she is working with q on her homework. |
hopp cheezin' for a photo. finally, i think she got the concept of smiling at the camera :o) |
Day 12: Thursday 1/12/12
my boss did a local dancing with the stars for a local children's home fundraiser. these were her goody sacks for the people that supported her with some money for the event. i put all her pics on the sacks & tied bows on them, all 63 of them!!! |
Day 13: Friday 1/13/12 OOPS! FORGOT TO TAKE A PIC!!! :o(
Day 14: Saturday 1/14/12
how cute is this?!?!?!?!? this is hopp & her friend k. her mom & i were walking the mall early sat & they played on the playground while we did our thing. they decided to hold hands on the way to chick-fil-a for a drink & i got this. |
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