on to another week of photos. here is what week 4 had in store for us...
day 22: sunday 1/22/12
ready for a birthday party, the wind was horrific that day!!! |
omg!! look at that booty! don't you just want to squeeze those legs & cheeks?!? |
hopp kidnapped the birthday boy's grandma. they had the best time taking her out there on the rink. grandma can skate too! she was at least in her 60s & was skating like she was a teen! :o) |
q in action. it was hard getting a shot of her once those skates went on! this was their first time to skate & they had a blast! |
this is what happens when it gets windy around here! ugh we are all having allergy stuff because of this wind now! :( |
day 23: monday 1/23/12
this was right before i went to bed monday evening. if i don't leave my glasses on my cubby by chair i forget where they are in the morning & it's not a good thing! one day hopp got a surprise because she found my glasses one morning. :o) this is the big 1lb lily yarn cone i bought at hobb lobb the other day for the dishcloths. she wants all of them in white so she can bleach them. i was thinking of making apple cozies with left over white & dip dyeing them. maybe in ombres or something. :o) |
day 24: tuesday 1/24
a hair post!!! actually sunday was a hair post but the wind is so bad you can't tell what we did. q got a bended pony & hopp has a mini pony, both with bows of course. :o) i think hopp is getting the hang of looking at the camera & smiling is sometimes optional. |
here's some of our fish. we have bright pink tetras & some blue ones that are now light pink. they are called strawberry tetras & blueberry tetras. they are so pretty in color. our sucker fish is an albino chocolate plecostomus. he is so cool looking & his eyes are about the same brown/pink color he is. if you look in the right top corner you will see our rainbow fish. he's not technically rainbow anything but in the light he shimmers different colors sometimes. we have several other fish not pictured. oh & yes that is neon gravel at the bottom. my mil bought the girls new gravel when we changed out the last gravel. :o) |
day 25: wednesday 1/25/12
i see this everyday when i pick up hopp from daycare & i always look for it. i like it for some reason. i'm sure it was purely accidental when it happened but it's a forever piece of nature, well until they get a new driveway some day. :o) |
day 26: thursday 1/26/12
look at her face! hopp is so funny! she always raises her eyebrows at us & then looks up & out at us. i just barely caught it but i'm hoping to get the full effect real soon. she is eating some pineapple sherbet with some big red in it. they tore it up! we ate at the MIL's house for her bday, we brought her bbq from square's, my fave bbq place in town. it's so good!!!! they have this awesome baked potato that they load it up with cheese, butter & add brisket or sausage or ham on it & then you put their bbq sauce on it & it's the best thing ever!!! if you haven't had a baked potato with bbq sauce & bbq meat you haven't lived yet!!! you gotta try it! |
day 27: friday 1/27/12
we had a chili cook-off at work on friday. this is what my friend maria brought to the cook-off. she is so crafty! that right there is a rice krispie treat colored & shaped into a chili pepper!!! isn't that the cutest?!?!? |
q & hopp were playing games friday night. right before they were going to play princess memory, they were playing candyland & q was teaching her how to play it was so sweet & cute! my girls are growing up!!! |
day 28: saturday 1/28/12
the girls love playing the buddy bucks machine at heb! we never really do anything with the points. we keep them in the little booklets but we never redeem the points. we have won several instant winner stickers & got the prizes for those though. |
i did my nails on saturday & i started with opi's cuckoo for this color (emerald green), i didn't care for it so i decided to add a coat of opi's alter ego (opalized super light pink)
cuckoo for this color (mine was NOT this sparkly!) |
alter ego |
so what do you get when you add the alter ego to cuckoo for this color???
a beautiful blue! it's more of a smokey blue in real life but i love the color! who knew that emerald green with an opaly-pink overlay would result in blue?!? {{the blue nails are my actual hand, the green & opal are from google images :o)}} |
this is what they look like in the sunlight, if you can tell, the tips are more green with the light behind them. i love the different effects it gave me. i do have to say that opi polish is definitely worth the money! i'm on day 3 & NONE of it is chipped or wearing off! i have natural nails & polish doesn't stay on my nails for more than a day! this stuff is amazing!!! i do have to say that i WILL NOT pay full price for it. i will always by this stuff on clearance. i just can't justify paying over $4 (opi is more than $8) a bottle for nail polish!!! |
well, that's all for last week, come back next monday for what's going on with us this week. :o)
i hope to post some stuff on wednesday & friday so come back & check it out.
I stopped taking my pictures already. I can't find my stupid camera and have been taking pictures with my phone. maybe next year.
i'm using my phone for all pics. we have a digital cam but the battery is dead & we just haven't picked up a new one. i figure we will probably get a new one & then give jess the old one later on. :)
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