day 71: sun 3/11/12
this is my newest polish. i love it, it's a grey-blue & it's glittery! it's one of the colors in the holland collection with OPI called 'i have a herring problem'. btw, i got it for free!!! yep, that's right, i went & got my hair cut, pic to come when i can get a good one, & it was their special with a cut & style you get a free bottle of any color of OPI you desired. :0) |
day 72: mon 3/12
q had blisters on her hand (see them on the bottom hand on the pointer finger & then on the top hand they are on the middle & ring fingers) & we couldn't figure it out, she had to have shots daily for 3 days & thought it was from the shots. this was the final day for the shots, they were for ear infections/fluid that has been going on for the past 3-4 months that refuse to clear up, so we asked the nurse about them & she said foot & mouth & confirmed it with checking the bottom of her feet & inside her mouth, yup they were clearing up so she was in the final stages of f&m & was no longer contagious. she is good now & no more blisters, yay for public schools giving us things that we would never otherwise come in contact with unless we licked the shopping cart handles. ;) |
later after the dr appt we headed to the movies & were a little early so we stopped at chelseas & had drinks. momma had a pina colada & daddy had a beer. :o) i took off monday & tuesday & we had mommy & daddy time for a couple of days during spring break. it was awesome & what we definitely needed. |
day 73: tues 3/13
after a 1 mth hiatus, i'm crocheting again. i started on a baby blanket for a friend of mine. she is doing flamingos & her colors are hot pink, lime green, bright teal & purple. i'm about 2/3 of the way done to date, it's really slow going... |
day 74: wed 3/14
is there such a thing as ornamental weeds? seriously this thing has been catching my eye for a couple of weeks & i can't seem to not look at it every week when i go to my mil's house. they actually have a couple of them in their yard & they look like the beginnings of a dandelion but they never get any stems they just look like this. this is the only weed i would allow in my yard & i have a yard full of unwelcome weeds in my yard at the time & none of them are this neat looking. |
day 75: thur 3/15 no pic today...
day 76: fri 3/16
happy st patty's eve! we had a st patty's themed party at work. the punch looks a little weird but it's only because we added maraschino cherries & the red muddied the green. it was super delish!!! all you need is 7up, lime sherbet, frozen lemonade, frozen limeade & fresh limes & lemons sliced up & added to the concoction. i'm not lying this is the best punch!!! the recipe said to add rum but it's not work appropriate so we left it out. ;o) |
this is what the yarn looked like before i went to bed. it looks really neat the farther you get with it, if you don't mess with it it will stay open for awhile. i know, random photo... |
day 77: sat 3/17
this is my antibiotic, it's frickin' HUGE!!! i started getting headaches on friday right before lunch & they wouldn't go away so i headed over to the walk-in & she diagnosed me with sinusitis. gotta love stupid allergies & they are not getting better due to all the rain, which we all need, but the stupid mowing is killing me!!! :) |
it's nice to get some 1 on 1 time with the hubs, isn't it?
it was awesome! hoping to do it again in the summer before school starts back up again. :)
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