ok, now to catch up...
day 57: sun 2/26/12 oops, forgot to take a pic this day...
day 58: mon 2/27/12
more of the stuff growing & blooming around the house. not for sure what this bush is but it's so pretty. this has been planted way before we got in the house. so weird, was thinking about the other day while talking to my neighbor, we have been in the house almost 7 years now. it doesn't seem that long since we moved in. |
day 59: tues 2/28/12
so i got a text from jess the other day & she sent me a pic of some coconut water, asked if we could get some. i never had any & while i was out shopping for work stuff i picked some up. this stuff is super expensive! well, 2.69 for a bottle of something is a expensive to me. anyways, i tried it & it's NASTY!!!! i thought maybe it would taste just a tad sweet, nope, it tasted almost like the brown part, almost dirty. i know people like this stuff but i couldn't take more than 2 sips of it. i tried it, just a tiny sip, & thought maybe i didn't get a big enough drink to get the real taste of it but nope, it was nasty the second time i tried it. :o) the girls liked it so i let them have it instead. |
day 60: wed 2/29/12 HAPPY LEAP DAY!!! :o)
they've gotten a little bigger... this week they are even bigger, it actually has started showing it's green leaves, i will take another pic for this week so you guys can see the actual growth. |
my fishies. we got 2 new plecos this last week. i got a regular one that's brown with dark spots & then i got a rubber lipped one. i like him the most, he has a bigger, wider mouth, i may start calling him jagger. :o) he isn't shown but they are both really little & they are so fast! they remind me of cats at play. it cracks me up! you can see the big blue one swimming at the top, he's blurry, & then our rainbow shark, & then one of my hot pink tetras. some days it's hot pink & other days it's really pale & yes we have neon gravel & a neon rock. it's my MIL's fault, she thought the girls needed a brightly colored fish tank, it's grown on me. at first i was not liking it. |
day 61: thurs 3/1/12
i picked up q from school this day & brought her to work with me. she had practice at 5:30 that day. she had the letter u for the week & asked me to print out a unicorn so she could take it on friday after she colored it. this is her final picture. thank you lisa frank for making excellent art for kiddos to color & enjoy. i love all her stuff! :o) |
day 62: fri 3/2/12
my boss was asked by one of our local universities to provide a 100 word essay of what it means to her to be a woman & they provided her with a 6x6 canvas to do whatever art on it she wanted to go with her essay. she is from germany but of turkish decent. not for sure what her essay said but the meaning of the painting is a color from each of the flags that now represent her. she decided to put a glob of all the colors in the middle so she could swirl them together. :o) |
after school is so hard on q, she will nap without wanting too. they don't take naps at school in her class anymore, i suspect because they were all pretty defiant on taking naps this year. :o) well on the way to pick me up from work on friday she fell asleep. it was dr suess' bday that day & so they made cat in the hat, hats & then got their faces painted with a black nose & whiskers. she looked so cute all asleep & the hat over her eyes! they also had a red "bow tie", you can see it under the seat belt. happy bday dr suess!!! it was also texas independence day, not for sure if they did anything for that yet. she does draw the texas flag pretty good. i think they have been leading up to that in the previous weeks. :o) |
day 63: sat 3/3/12
hopp checking out the monkey perched on the ledge |
hopp feeding the giraffe |
q & hopp always have to pose on the caterpillar |
they love rolling down the hill, the bottom one is when hopp lost control & was rolling so fast. it cracked me up, she couldn't stop herself until almost the bottom. :o) |
look how they have grown! the first pic was taken back in aug of last year, q is now to the top of the booty of the giraffe. hopp had to have grown but i can't tell how much other than she is basically the same height to q as the last one. so maybe an inch or two for both of them. next time i need them to stand tall so we can tell for sure. :o) |
ok, so i'm caught up till next week, taking a couple days off work to spend with my man. :o) the littles are staying with nana for a couple of days & jess is heading to dallas to spend time with her dad & siblings there. i hope all of you have a great & safe spring break!
Oh, that first picture reminds me of the rose bush that was growing outside our last house, it was absolutely huge and gorgeous, and planted years before we ever lived there! It's interesting to think back and picture the person who did the planting!
thanks for stopping by claire! :o) i love that plant, i should probably prune it so maybe it will be fuller next year.
man, i'm behind, going to catch up soon. :)
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