teacher appreciation & some can drop offs
day 125: sun 5/6
not for sure if you can see it or not but q got some catalina salad dressing with her lettuce & her face broke out with these nasty red welts. i was thinking she was allergic to something in the dressing, she has done this with ranch, honey mustard & sometimes ketchup. she never had trouble breathing or her throat never felt funny so i wasn't too concerned about it being dangerous. i did some internets searching & found that this is pretty common with little kids & not to be too worried about. it is just a skin reaction to the vinegar in these condiments. i think that if she made more of it in her mouth instead of her face this wouldn't happen. ;) so anywho, if you ever see this on your kid, it's probably just a skin sensitivity to vinegar. |
day 126: mon 5/7
came to work & ms maria gave me a huge bouquet of the cinco de mayo flowers. she twisted them all together & they are gorgeous!! |
day 127: tues 5/8
isn't this super cute?!? it's my cupcake car scent holder from bath & body works. they have all different shapes & colors. we have a yellow smiley face with a hot pink bow in the magnum. they clip on your visor or anywhere else you can stick it. i got the vanilla coconut & it's ok for the magnum but this one was frosted cupcake & it smells just like a yummy vanilla cupcake was baked in my car. :) |
day 128: wed 5/9
ladybug! we got ready for school & headed out the door & a little lady was waiting to greet us! superstition says that anything a ladybug lands on means you are going to get a new one. so will i be getting a new car? doubt it but it's always fun to play. :o) |
day 129: thurs 5/10
took q to look for something for her teacher for teacher appreciation day, actually we were supposed to get something everyday but i didn't like the ideas so i figured she would appreciate a big one time gift more. we saw these flowers & they were stunning. it was the most unique shade of grey/mauve i have ever seen. i couldn't stop looking at them, they were so eye-catching! |
day 130: fri 5/11
i had done my nails on sunday & finally got a decent shade of the color. it's from zoya & it's called marina. it's a beautiful grey/blue color. |
here is the teacher appreciation gift. a 12pk of dr pepper in the bottles & a gorgeous necklace a friend made. remember me telling you her fave color is green & she collects crosses? how perfect is that? it's so pretty & between the crosses she put pink & black accent beads & it all just popped! she actually was wearing it the other day when i went to school with q for field day, that will be a full post on its on soon. :) |
day 131: sat 5/12
time to cash in those cans for q! this is what my magnum looked like when we left the house. not our biggest load but man, that's a lot of cans. i have a great group of friends that help q out! this load was worth $6!!! :o) |
bud light just came out with these lime-a-ritas & they are delish. i'm a bud light lime gal, well before i was diagnosed with celiac's, but i'm not a margarita girl. i perfer sweet over sour... so anywho, they took that whole corona-rita thing & actually made their own thing. let me just say, this is DELISH!!! i know i said that in the first sentence but they really are good. i took a drink just to try it, i didn't drink the whole thing. this was a 24oz can but they do come in 12oz cans for those of you that don't want to feel like they look like a bum drinking a tall boy. :o)
ok, that's all for week 18, more coming soon for last weeks pics....
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