one more week down, several to go. i'm trying to make a dent in it. :) i thought i would do all of october but it's just too many pics!!!
day 271: 9/30 sun
took q for a walk & we scored big on cans! she has made a little over $100 in the year that we have been collecting them. still not for sure what she will buy with her money just yet since she is too big for the barbie car. :) |
day 272: 10/01 mon
shotglass from my friend rob! that makes about 30 or so shotglasses in our collection. :) |
this was the theme for hopp's bday. :) i cut out a ton of these! |
day 273: 10/02 tues
my franky got to come out! frankenstein is my fave halloween character! |
day 274: 10/03 wed
franky got a head full of pumpkins! those things are so addictive!! |
took a bday invite to a friend down the street, this is what i got as we headed home. these girls love each other so MUCH!!! i think this is one of my most fave pics in a long time. :) |
who doesn't need a pair of skel-a-flamingos? i wish i had snagged up this pair! they were gone the next time i went to the store. :( |
the big baby getting her flu shot! do you see that she has 2 different colored socks on? is this being lazy or are all the kids doing it? |
got employee of the month! got my own parking spot & a certificate to a restaurant along with my name on the plaque. :) |
a hat i was working on, look at all those ends that needed to weaved in! that's what sucks about changing colors. :) |
day 275: 10/04 wed
angry bird bandaid! my shoe was rubbing the back of my foot, that hurts!! |
pumpkins brought over from the local pumpkin patch. the warty one was so abused! they hated on it because it wasn't the prettiest! :( that green one reminds me of a goose. ;) |
day 276: 10/05 friday
finished the braids on the above hat. :) |
sivy & mayra modeling their slouchies :) |
day 277: 10/06 sat
princess birthday party at a friend's house! hopp loves snow white! q of course was dressed as rapunzel, that's her current favorite now. we have the wig but i made her wait until halloween because i didn't want her to mess it up. aren't they adorbs?!?! |
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