day 285: sun 10/14
hopp got new shades for her bday. she loves them! |
this is how i found her when i went to check on her. she is halfway under q's bed! :) |
day 286: mon 10/15 no pics
day 287: tue 10/16
my sea world mug from my boss. killa killa whales y'all! :) |
we turned in a butt load of box tops for q's class! :) it was over a 150 box tops! |
day 288: wed 10/17
q picked her clothes & left me a note asking if she could wear it. so cute!!! |
day 289: thur 10/18
the beginnings of a princess leia hat, the most essential part, the BRAIDS :) |
thought this was super cute, this is how jason feels about my yarn stash. he calls me a hoarder. ;) |
day 290: 10/19 fri no pics
day 291: 10/20 sat
the final product! how cute is this?!? |
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